On Preaching - Packer

J.I. Packer, A Quest For Godliness , 164, 165.
"Remember that it is not hasty reading, but serious meditation on holy and heavenly truths, that makes them prove sweet and profitable to the soul. It is not the mere touching of the flower by the bee that gathers honey, but her abiding for a time on the flower that draws out the sweet. It is not he that reads most, but he that meditates most, that will prove to be the choicest, sweetest, wisest and strongest Christian." (Thomas Brooks)
Great post!
He came to save us from our sins.
Preach Christ and Him crucified. Not sure I agree about the preaching of sin...men tend to focus on what they battle or are lacking in themselves...their own fears...
I would that more men feared God and preached Christ alone. He, being lifted up, will draw all men to himelf.
Great post Doug.
That is the truth. There is way too much exalting the flesh in the pulpit these days.
In order to convict of sin people need to hear they are sinners, and name some of those sins once in awhile. Not our opinions of sin, but the sins the Bible and God say are sins.
Good for Packer.
Short, sweet, and right.
Without preaching on sin, how can you explain the reason why Jesus was crucified.
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