Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Reformation: A Theological Look - MP3

I recently had the privilege of being a guest on the Apologetics.com radio show.

Below is a synopsis and links were you can find the show. It can also be dowloaded from itunes under the Apologetics.com podcast.

The Glorious Reformation: The Apologetics.com Radio show for Reformation Day 2008.

The Glorious Reformation: Apologetics.com’s annual Reformation Day show answers the question, does the Reformation really matter after 500 years? A global shift in Christian thought began in 1517. What had at one time been a Christian worldview applied to all of life and thought had become a shifting web of marginally Christian ideas used to support pagan ideology and vacant humanism devoid of eternal significance. Martin Luther sounded an alarm loud and long with reverberations that are still felt today from the worship in our churches to the halls of justice. Is a theocentric theology still permissible in an anthropocentric world? Why the constant urge to replace the Holy Scriptures as the sole infallible rule in matters of faith and practice with the judgements of the religious community or individuals that claim prophetic authority? Is God’s intent to save those that are good enough to save themselves or those that have nothing of themselves which makes them in any sense worthy? Is the grace of God merely hypothetically salvific or actually effectual to save those that are lost? Is Justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone a message that has seen its day? Or one that with the Reformers we should say “semper reformanda”, always reforming? Staff members Christopher Neiswonger and Lindsay Brooks are joined by special guests Pastor Kent Moorloch of Communion Prebyterian Church of Irvine www.communionpres.org, Doug Eaton College Pastor of the 1st Southern Baptist Church of Downey and www.christiantheology.wordpress.com, and Lane Chaplin power blogger of www.lanechaplin.com.

The Glorious Reformation: The Apologetics.com Radio show for Reformation Day 2008.

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