"In the year 1861 the French Academy of Science published a list of fifty-one so-called scientific facts, each of which, it was alleged, disproved some statement in the Bible. Today the Bible remains as it was then, but not one of these fifty-one so called Facts is held by men of science.. . .. Does anyone really believe that science and Philosophy have yet reached, even approximately, their final form? May it not rather be contended that they are so far removed from their ultimate [true] form that if the teachings of the Bible were in complete harmony with present-day science and philosophy they would be out of harmony with the science and philosophy of the future."
Loraine Boettner,
Studies in TheologyHow firm is your foundation? The wise man will build his house upon the rock, which is the Word of God. (Matt. 7:24)
Science, Philosophy, and the Word of GodLabels: apologetics, Atheism, Inspiration of Scripture, philosophy, The Word
Great quote! Hey, it was great hanging out with you and Chris yesterday.
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The brochure of fifty-one facts is often mentioned by Christian apologists, but I can find no evidence of its existence nor any reference to any specific "fact" it contained. It appears to be a hoax.
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